Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Skype Virtual Field Trip #3

 For our 3rd Virtual Field Trip we traveled to my hometown aquarium in Pine Knoll Shores, NC to learn more about Turtles and what we can do to help protect them from danger!  We read a book called, "Turtle, Turtle, Watch Out!" with the Marine Biologist from the Aquarium and also learned the differences between the turtles we have around Asheville and Sea Turtles! 
 One of the coolest things was seeing where a sea turtles brain is located.  The very small hole in the center of the turtle skull is where their brain fits!  This is why they often will try to eat plastic or balloons because they do not have very big brains and think the trash is a yummy jellyfish. 
We also got to meet a little turtle that had been pinched by a crab when it was trying to leave it's nest.  The crab pinched his flipper right off so he only has 3 full grown flippers.  Thank goodness for the rescue team located at the aquarium for saving this little guy and giving him a second chance at life!

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