Monday, June 13, 2016

Happy Graduation

I am so proud of my amazing students and all that they accomplished this year!  I know each and everyone of you will do amazing in First Grade next year!  I will miss you all!  
 My little Graduates goofing off after Graduation!
I used a Directed Drawing to add a special touch to their end of year gifts that I absolutely love! I will miss all of my sweet students but am excited to see what next year will bring each of us!  See you in August!
Love, Miss Jones


  1. Thank you, Miss Jones! Have an amazing summer!

  2. Thank you, Miss Jones! Have an amazing summer!

  3. Thank you for all the posts last year! I wanted to print the final class picture for Oscar. Is there any way you can mail me a higher pixel count than I could get off the computer? Thanks, Oscar's Grandmother ( if this is possible)
